So, I'm a little behind.....
Brooklyn turned 3 last Wed on October 24th!
It is SO hard to believe she is 3!!!!!
We had a really fun day. We went to the Denver Zoo. My grandma had sent some money for her birthday so we decided to buy a family annual pass to the Zoo. We had a great time. McKenna was obsessive about the map...and hardly looked at animals as she was so busy scanning the map for the next thing. (It was quite humorous...and sometimes annoying!)
Brooklyn was very anxious to see the elephants. Unfortunately, we walked the OTHER way and the elephants were last on the map.
Josiah just loved walking everywhere. He had fun chasing geese and running through the crunchy leaves. (Well, everyone loved running through the leaves....even me!)
It is a beautiful zoo, especially in fall.
That night, we had the Teague's over for dinner. Ally & Heather made a very special pink ice cream cake which everyone loved.
John and I were talking recently about all the growth Brooklyn has experienced in the last few months. Her language is finally coming together. People, besides us and McKenna, can actually understand what Brooklyn is saying. This is huge! She is very artistic and loves to draw pictures and color. She especially loves beading...her fine motor skills are quite impressive.
Brooklyn has a great energy about her and is just excited by everything. She loves to play dress up...esecially "Singuella" (Cinderalla) and enjoys playing with babies and dolls and playing "shopping" with McKenna & Ally. She is a great climber and somersaulter! She is definitely showing more signs of independence as she likes to pick out her clothes and pajamas and what she wants to do in her playtime. But, she also desires to be like McKenna. Brooklyn is always watching McKenna and imitating her actions AND words. Its cute. She loves the people around her which is evident when she wants to pray for her "friends" every night.
We are grateful for our precious Brooklyn. I am blessed and honored to be her mother. I look back 3 years ago to that bizarre pregnancy and all the stresses that were in my life and I am so thankful that God brought us through that and to such a place of peace.