Pictures: #1 the community center in the area we will be living. #2 A picture of what our home will look like. #3 Choosing our "lot".
Yes, it is official. After much prayer and consideration, the Yates family is moving to Colorado at the end of June.
I know everyone is in shock. It is shocking news. I'm hoping this site can help everyone be a part of this process with us.
Everyone wants to know why. Bottom line, we can't afford to live in So Cal. We have chosen to have 1 income so that I can stay home with our kids. God has blessed us enormously with the house we have lived in the past 3 1/2 years. But we are rapidly outgrowing it. Our best option was to move out of state. (Kind of our only option seeing as a 3-bdrm home costs $550,000 at the low end)
Why Colorado? For me, it was the only other state I'm really willing to live in! :) (Spoken by a true Californian, right?) I met a lot of people from CO while at Pepperdine and I really liked all of them! It offers all 4 seasons in a mild least in the Denver area. (Except for the blizzard currently hitting the area!) John loves the outdoors: boating, hiking, snowboarding, skiing, etc. CO has tons of open space and so many places to play. We want our kids exposed to all sorts of activities. It's affordable. Has clean air. You can even drink water out of the tap! And many other reasons. None which will be "good enough" for anyone, I'm sure.
I know there lots of other questions and concerns and I'm hoping to get to them over time. I don't have answers to everything. I know this sounds strange...maybe even wrong to some of you. But we feel God's peace in this. Every step of the way we have been gently led by the Lord. So many doors have been opened to us...and so easily. We have seen God's hand in many of the small and large details.
I'm excitied, scared, nervous, sad, freaked out, optimistic and overwhelmed by what this all means.
I have lived my entire life here. And you all know how much I love to connect with people. How I'm disappointed if I don't see someone I know when I go to the grocery store or if I don't get a chance to meet the new guest at our church. I love my life here. But at the same time, I don't see my children growing up here.
When John and I drove around this last weekend in CO it was so easy to see McKenna, Brooklyn & Josiah thriving in a community like that. It was exciting to dream for them and their future.
I have deep roots here. Those will not be moved easily. There have been a lot of tears and I know there will be a lot more. Please don't assume we made this decision lightly.
We covet your prayers and your support of us as we go through this moving process. If you are reading this, you are loved by the Yates family. We value your role in our lives and will continue to do so.
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