Saturday, September 29, 2007


I'm sitting here enjoying a vanilla latte and feeling so good.

I think Starbucks really does put an addictive chemical in their coffee (that makes you crave it fortnightly....).I told John, it really makes a difference in my afternoon. I'm not grumpy, or irritable....I have lots of patience and energy...I laugh more, I'm eager to accomplish tasks around the house...I'm just a better person all around.

I've wondered if owning an espresso machine would help. Its the espresso factor...not just the caffeine in coffee. Would I make it? Would it taste the same? John said part of what I like is the comfort of someone else making it....true. Perhaps I could teach John? :)

Well, I'm anxious for them to build our new Starbucks. I have no idea when the target date is...but definitely too far from now. So, just so I make it clear....I would definitely appreciate Starbucks cards for Christmas or anytime you want to send a little pick-me-up in the mail. Trust me, my whole family will be grateful.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sister! I resonate with this posting on so many levels! I will tell you that I bought an espresso machine and found it to be a total pain. I think that John is right...the treat is that someone else makes it...and cleans up afterwards. :)

Anonymous said...

What?!?! could it be that you've disocvered our secret additive to the lattes? JK. Glad to hear you supporting the cause and that you won't have to kill the environment by driving any further than you have to to get it! Miss y'all, Cheri