This past weekend (December 29-30) I had the incredible opportunity to go to a wedding in Long Beach, CA. I was able to go for 2 whole days without my kiddos. (thank you honey!!!)
Over the course of those 2 days, I was able to hug, kiss, love on and catch up with probably, about 100 people.
It was non-stop, on-the-go busy and oftentimes unbelievably precious.
I'm not actually sure how to even write about this. And this post is more for me, than anyone else. So if it is exceptionally, long, too bad! :)
I was able to see and touch 6 very distinct phases/aspects of my life in the course of 2 days.
1. The family God gave me to grow up physically with
2. The family God gave me to mentor me spiritually and love me in my youth
3. The precious friends I have walked life with
4. The tender family that called me up to maturity and loved me for me
5. The amazing family God has blessed me with in my husband and children
6. The beautiful friends that are walking beside me now
My brother Mark, Beto, Laura, and friend Lindsay
Dino Maisano, my youth minister
Melodie and Auntie Katy
So Cal sunrise from my mom's backyard
Me and the folks at Bake-N-Broil my favorite restaurant in Long Beach
Miss,my dear friend from high school and Marci, my friend since elementary school!
Mary Bouma (of mair-wear who makes all of our super cute beanies!)
PJ and Karin....our pastors, mentors, friends
My brother, Danny and my mom at the best burger joint, In-N-Out
So, seeing as it is now a month later and I have not finished this post, I will just post it as is.
God is GOOD. It is amazing to see His hand in my life. I am grateful for His guidance, provision and plan for my life. God has graced my life with the most wonderful people. I don't know where I would be without them. So to my friends, old and new and to my family, I love you. I appreciate you. I am so thankful for you.
1 comment:
I LOVE all the pictures!
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