Best Mother's Day Ever!
John and the kids really spoiled me!
McKenna told me Saturday night that I should stay in bed when I woke up and she would bring me coffee. :)
John got up with the kids and at about 7:30 I felt someone standing over me. I opened my eyes and there was Kenna. She smiled and said, "Happy Mother's Day. Go to the bathroom and go potty and brush your teeth and then get back in bed." I cracked up...and readily obeyed. Then John and the kids brought me coffee in bed. McKenna helped with all of my sugar and helped stir it.
Then John brought me breakfast in bed! Apple cinnamon macadamia nut pancakes (a mix fresh from Hawaii per Danny)...yum! Of course, McKenna had to help me eat it. :)
Then, McKenna informed me it was time for me to take my shower. So I did. And I got dressed and did my hair and makeup without any distractions--amazing!
After my shower, I started getting dressed, but McKenna told me I had to get BACK in bed and open my presents. So, I obliged.
I got a beautiful picture frame with 3 black & white photos of my adorable children. Then a BIG huge box with a bunch of individually wrapped gifts. The girls helped me open... a necklace and earrings, 3 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes!!!!! Whoa. John has NEVER bought me clothes or shoes before.** And they were all super cute. I was overwhelmed and surprised and quite delighted!
We had a great morning at church...I got to teach McKenna and Brooklyn's little class. So fun! Had a great and relaxing afternoon. And then all of John's family came over for dinner. John and his brother cooked and made a wonderful meal! Chicken Piccata with linguine, fresh bread and salad. He even went so far as to make a coconut cream pie for dessert (from scratch) which is his mom's favorite pie.
IMPRESSIVE. I told him he has set the standard high and I will be looking forward to Mother's Day every year!!!
I felt so special and loved and appreciated. :) Thank you, honey!!!!
**When I asked John if he got help on shopping, he admitted that he had. He called Phil Teague (who is a GREAT shopper for his wife) and asked how to do it. These were his instructions: "Go to a mall and go in a store you think/know your wife likes. Walk all around the store looking at manequins. Find 2 or 3 manequins who have clothes on that you like and then find those outfits on the racks. Do not stray from the manequin outfits or try to put something together yourself." Isn't that great advice for any man who is intimidated by shopping at the mall?! Way to go Phil!!!
"Do not stray from the manequin outfits or try to put something together yourself."
hilarious. i can't stop laughing.
dude, that so makes up for any lame "christmas" (you know what I'm referring to!) or birthday you ever had! I'm so jealous. All the men should take some lessons from your husband! I'm so stoked for you! YAY!
I sure hope Janice never sees this ... that's a HIGH standard to try an imitate, much less surpass. John is no friend of countless husbands out here who did less!!
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