Monday, February 19, 2007

Computer Woes

It happened. At first, it was just taking slightly longer to go from page to page online. I'm so used to our high speed cable modem that allows us to navigate effortlessly that it was a bit annoying, but no bigee. Then, I was having difficulty reading my mail. Definitely a problem. Next it just wouldn't do anything.

Honey? I think something's wrong with our computer...

A few phone calls later and a trip to the Apple store in Costa Mesa and we have a crashed hard drive.

I thought macs didn't do this!!!!!!!!


So, it's been about 2 weeks now that I haven't had internet access or checked my email. Miserable.

We finally borrowed our neighbors laptop...I had to pay bills. (I don't even know how to do that with paper I didn't have any stamps.)

The WORST part is we still don't know if our memory will be able to be recovered. I am sooooo sad about that.

So the lesson for the rest of you is this: BACKUP. Backup everything, regularly. We did a backup in October, but everything since then may be lost.

1 comment:

Abi T. said...

boo HOO. I'm so SORRY!!! Lesson learned, point taken. It's on my to do list tonight.

Love you.