Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Time's Up

After one hour of bliss...I heard "it." You know, the sound that threatens to destroy all good that is going on in a house with small children. A cry from the room of sleeping children. My thoughts ran quickly to "What?! Only an hour! Geesh. Now everyone is going to be grumpy. I shouldn't have tried having them all sleep together. Stupid! How will Josiah make it until bedtime with such a short nap? There goes my break, etc. etc. etc." I bolted from the couch kicking off slippers as I ran so that I wouldn't make any excess noise as I tried to salvage what was left of the precious naptime by removing the crying culprit. Who was it? Josiah. I reached over the railing and grabbed him as fast as I could scanning the faces of my girls as I dashed out of the room to see if they had noticed. Brooklyn was rolling over, eyes still closed. McKenna looked me right in the eye and nodded as if to say, " I know Mommy, I'll go back to sleep." I got in the living room and laid back on the couch and lo and behold, Josiah laid his head on me and went back to sleep. Wow. In fact, he ended up sleeping on me for another 45 minutes. I couldn't exactly sleep as he switched positions about every 4 minutes, but I had to smile at the sweetness of my sleeping son on my chest. Brooklyn stayed asleep for another hour and McKenna slept for another hour and a half.

Naptime was still a success.

And there was much rejoicing.

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