Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The word is out

So, everyone officially knows now. I can breathe a sigh of relief and we were able to tell McKenna about our big news.

McKenna is so smart that if we had mentioned the Colorado scoop to her she would've told anyone who would listen. You should've seen her face when John told her there would be stairs going up to her bedroom. She squealed with delight and said, "Mommy! Did you know in Colorado there are stairs to my bedroom?" So excited.

We have gotten such encouragement and support from our friends and family. People at church have come up to us with such wonderful hugs and support. Comments like, "This is perfect for you." "We will miss you, but know this is right for you. " "Good thing we have 6 months to process you leaving" And I've been shocked to discover that just about everyone has a connection in Colorado! They used to live there, went to college there, and seriously, 7 out of 10 people have an aunt that lives there.

Of course, we've also incurred such grief from everyone about the Denver weather. Blizzards, feet of snow and now an avalanche?! Geesh. I don't think Denver has seen this much action in such a short period of time...ever. (Well, who am I to know? I'm used to Storm Watch Alert everytime it sprinkles here.)

John and I will be going back the first weekend in February to have our appointment at the Design Center. That's where we pick everything out....at least the $15,000 worth of stuff that came with it in our sale price. You'd be shocked how quickly that will go!

So that's the latest.....

1 comment:

Abi T. said...

While we send our most sincere condolences to your friends and family in CA, we can't WAIT for you to get here!!

Looking forward to climbing those stairs, sitting on your porch, playing in your yard and enjoying a cup of tea in your kitchen.