Thursday, October 11, 2007

Early Risers

I love my kids....but they get up WAY too early!

Josiah starts calling for "mama" around 5:45 A.M.! I finally pull myself out of bed between 6 and 6:15 with him. We tiptoe downstairs and cuddle on the couch in the dark for 15 minutes before I begin the morning routine.

No matter how quiet we are, something wakes Brooklyn up! She typically makes her way down the stairs, with all her "friends" in tow, by 6:45.

McKenna stays hard asleep until 7:15 or 7:30. Way to go, kid!

These are a couple of pictures I took the other morning when it was way TOO dark to be awake. (Obviously, the flash was too bright for such a dark morning...)

Good thing they're so darn cute, huh? Its hard to stay grumpy when you look at those adorable faces.

Pray for me and the upcoming time change...Nov 4. I think I will be going crazy when I have to get out bed before 5. It pains me to just think about it.

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