Friday, August 3, 2007


Yes, I was a bit crazy today.

Josiah was up at 5:15 and by 9:30 he was awake from his nap. I had all 3 children awake for a good 2 1/2-3 hours. What could we do? It was pretty warm out and I really didn't feel like the park. (We go at least once a day as it is.)

Where could we go? I packed everyone in the car and started driving. McKenna kept asking where we were going and I kept answering a very slow and simple, "I really don't know."

I decided to drive over to the Stapleton shopping area. I thought maybe there would be a new McDonald's or Burger King that had one of those lovely indoor play things. (I would only go to one that was new as the older ones tend to really gross me out.)

We got there and drove around. No fast food playgrounds. Hmmm. What else is there? I contemplated letting the kids run around Outdoor World...and then I saw the movie theatre.

On a whim, I drove by the front and strained my terrible eyes to read the movie listings. Yes, Ratatouille was still playing. Showtime...10:30. I looked at the clock and it was 10:44. There were always lots of previews. We could do it...

Wait! Am I crazy??? Take my 3 kids to a movie all by myself?? Am I nuts? But at the same time, I REALLY wanted to see a movie. If it was a disaster, we could just leave. I asked McKenna if she wanted to do something crazy. She said, "what crazy?"

I got everyone out and got the stroller in motion. I walked up to the box office and asked how much of the movie we had missed. The guy told me it was about 10 minutes into it. When I asked how much kids tickets cost, he informed me it was $5 for kids 3 and over. Score! I bought 2 tickets and started walking in, informing the kids that we were going to see a movie!

We made a quick bathroom stop and headed into the dark, and very loud, theatre number 7. There were 3 people in the audience. Parents and their 2 year old son. Perfect.

We picked a row, sat down and started watching. McKenna had her hands over her ears as it was too loud. Brooklyn started crying because there was a chase scene going on that really was loud and very quick-moving. Ok, maybe this was a terrible idea. Then I realized that Josiah, who was sitting on my lap was laughing every time he saw the rat. That gave me hope!

The noise softened and the scene slowed down and we started having fun! We took a popcorn break about half way through and returned to see the other 3 moviegoers leaving. We had the theatre to ourselves!

Josiah remained on my lap eating popcorn until the last 20 min or so when he decided to go check out the lighted staircase. Go for it!

It ended. We clapped. We left happy and quite satisfied. (The movie really is great!)

I was proud of myself for this huge adventure and leap of faith...even if it really was crazy.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Katy! Living on the edge there? SO brave of you to try a movie. Glad to hear it wasn't a bust. Miss you guys! Cheri

Mair-Wear said...

I'm so proud of you! I've never attempted taking Cade to the movies... let alone Quinn, too! HA! Wish I was there so I could have gone with you! Love ya!

April Boyer Modern Handmade said...

sounds like quite an adventure katy! and that movie was great! hope you are having fun in the new place, i love seeing all the pics and hearing about it :) april