Friday, August 17, 2007

Little Mommy

I'm doing some stuff on the computer right now and am listening to McKenna and Brooklyn play in their room.

This is the conversation I just heard McKenna have with her baby:

McKenna: Baby, you have to go to bed now.

Baby: But, I want to stay up longer.
(Yes, she really switched voices to be the baby.)

M: You can't. You've already stayed up a long time and its late.

M: You want to stay up more? Yes? Well, you can't. You have to go to bed if you want to go to Auntie Em's party tomorrow.
(We've been watching and reading a lot of Wizard of Oz lately)

M: Stay in your bed. If you want to see Auntie Em, you have to go to sleep.

B: Ok, mommy.

It just cracked me up! Well, she definitely knows the bedtime rules...

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