Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tell how much

I was reading in Mark this morning. Reading parables and text I have read since I was a child.

I was struck by a command of Jesus.

Jesus had just healed a demon-posssessed man. A man who was filled with MANY demons. In fact, he was so tortured by these demons that he lived among the tombs, in isolation, and cried out all day and cut himself all day with stones. Talk about a miserable and out of control life.

Jesus walked on the scene and these demons were terrified of him. They knew they had to leave this man's body and begged Jesus not to send them out of the area. So, Jesus, being so kind, sent them into a herd of pigs nearby. (By the way, the herd was actually 2,000 pigs!!!) The pigs went crazy and ran off a cliff into the ocean and drowned.

All of a sudden, this man was in his right mind. He was sitting, wearing clothes and capable of having a normal conversation. What a miracle! He had been saved by Jesus. He wanted to stay with Jesus and his disciples....who wouldn't? But, Jesus wouldn't let him stay.

This was his command, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." (Mark 5: 19)

And, as you can imagine, he did just that!

How often are we telling others how much the Lord has done for us?? How often are we telling our own families???

I just want to challenge you (AND ME) to be speaking of what the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. To take time to notice his mercy in our lives. To see the miracles and share them!

So, let me know what God is doing in your life. It is so encouraging and uplifting to share God's work.

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